Saharo Foundation

Donate Now

Saharo Foundation is a NonPartisan and apolitical Organization registered in the State of Maryland,United States of America.
Saharo Foundation is a 501(C)(3) organization therefore all donations are Tax deductible in the United States.Tax ID# 26-2104725.

Online Donation (Pay-Pal)


Donate with Text

Text SAHARO to 44321

Donate by Zelle

Donate through Zelle – 703-945-7172

Donate with Amazon

Shop on Amazon through AmazonSmile and select Saharo Foundation as your charity. Amazon will donate certain percentage to us.

Donate through Company

Donate through your company’s matching donation/hours donation program. We are listed in all databases as an eligible 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.

Donate by Zelle

Donate through Zelle –

Donate with Check

Send checks payable-to Saharo Foundation at:
Saharo Foundation
223 Forest Preserve Dr.
Gaithersburg, MD 20878